1. Enter the URL of the page where the desired software is to be found.  A good site for much free/share software is or
  2. Click on the download link.  The response should be a box with the text..
    1.  [you have started to download a file of type ...]
      [more info]         [pick app..]        [save file]         [cancel]
  3. Select the [save file] button.  You should create a special directory to download the file to.
  4. If the file was of type exe you should press the start button, then the run button, then browse and find and execute the downloaded file.
  5. If the file was of type zip, then the file you have downloaded is a compressed, non-executable file.  You should download a compression tool, and unzip the file.  Compression software can be found on
  6. Most software from tucows is shareware, and the author expects payment after an evaluation period.

The Web pages in the BARVENNON.COM domain with TAFE wallpaper
were written by teaching staff of the Sydney Institute of Technology.
Any opinions expressed are those of the page creators.
page by c morris